Michigan moves into the #4 spot after their win over the Buckeyes. It also didn’t hurt that UTSA suffered their first loss of the season to 6-6 North Texas, falling to #23.

1 - Notre Dame (11-1) (42.375)
2 - Georgia (12-0) (41.15625)
3 - Cincinnati (12-0) (40.0)
4 - Michigan (11-1) (33.82421875)
5 - Alabama (11-1) (29.32421875)
6 - Oklahoma State (11-1) (28.91796875)
7 - Ohio State (10-2) (27.671875)
8 - Ole Miss (10-2) (27.37109375)
9 - Michigan State (10-2) (26.1796875)
10 - Iowa (10-2) (25.7734375)
11 - Oklahoma (10-2) (23.240234375)
12 - Baylor (10-2) (23.10546875)
13 - Wake Forest (10-2) (21.73046875)
14 - Arkansas (8-4) (21.13671875)
15 - BYU (10-2) (19.83203125)
16 - Oregon (10-2) (19.78125)
17 - San Diego State (11-1) (19.19921875)
18 - Texas A&M (8-4) (19.1484375)
19 - Wisconsin (8-4) (19.109375)
20 - Houston (11-1) (17.73828125)
21 - Kentucky (9-3) (16.6015625)
22 - Clemson (9-3) (16.453125)
23 - UT San Antonio (11-1) (15.8359375)
24 - Purdue (8-4) (15.328125)
25 - Louisiana (11-1) (14.6875)